The New Google Hummingbird Update

518 views 7:30 am 0 Comments August 20, 2023
New Google Hummingbird Update

The new Google Hummingbird update and the future of search

Google Hummingbird

Can you hear the faint noise of the Hummingbirds wings?

We are living in very different times and thanks to the internet we are able to communicate with many people and this has also allowed us to do all sorts of business with companies from all over the world. If you have any job that is somehow related to technology it’s very likely that you are using the internet on a daily basis and searching for all kinds of information that is relevant to your particular business model. The Google search engine is the main tool used by people when they have to look for anything that they need to do research on. We just discussed the new Google Hummingbird update.

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The ever changing world of search

Google is constantly changing the way the way their algorithms work in order to make sure that all the relevant data gets a chance to be displayed in the search results. This can be a very difficult task with literally millions of websites, blogs and social media pages that are all publishing new content every day. For this reason they are always upgrading their search engine to the most optimal results they can possibly offer their visitors.

They have just come up with their latest installment of algorithm changes and they have called it Hummingbird. This new version of the search engine results system is supposed to help gather more quality data for people to see on their results pages. This latest technological change in the engine has been active since early August, but they have just announced it officially so that people can start to monitor how their websites are showing up with the new algorithm.

The main focus of this new change is that Google will now be optimized to show the best possible results when a long search query is entered. So if you type something that involves a lot of words, you should see improvement in how the results are provided and also what kind of results will be listed in the first pages of Google.

The way we search is changing and Google is embracing it.

There is a very important aspect to these changes. Google has started to adapt the search results to a more conversational kind of query. The main reason for this is that more and more people are now using voice powered software on their phones and computers to do their searches. This has already started to create a new tendency that will change the way in which marketers do their SEO optimization and Google is taking it one step ahead with changes like the ones being provided by Hummingbird technology. The world has gone mobile and this is making it a lot easier for voice recognition software to become a useful and essential tool for internet browsing.

Every internet marketer needs to take into consideration that when you work with a search engine that is as big as Google, you have to adapt your SEO efforts to the changes that are occurring in the system. If you continue to do traditional search engine optimization, you will start to fall behind the competition and very few people are going to get to see your website at all.

The faint beating of the Hummingbirds wings is getting louder!

People can expect the new Google hummingbird update to be nothing but a small part of the revolution that is soon to come with the way we search the internet. This has to be taken into consideration by both the average internet surfer and those that use the web for business purposes. Everyone has to keep informed of the changes that are happening and they should adapt their efforts to those changes if they want the best possible results.  It will probably take a few months to see just how these changes are going to affect the internet, but one thing is for sure, the changes are happening and they will be constant.

Author Bio: My name is Guy Tomlinson and I have a passion for SEO and like to share news, tips and information on this fascinating subject. If you want to read more then please check out my SEO website or find me on Facebook.

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