Night Blogging

1072 views 10:38 am 0 Comments September 2, 2023
Night Blogging

What is Night Blogging? Are you familiar with this term of night blogging? Are you curious about night blogging? I choose this topic as a subject for this post because I find it a bit different from many common blogging topics out there.

Blog Posts of Night Blogging

  • Night blogging is hard to describe in one sentence, but it’s basically the creation of weird posts, humorous or absurd during the dead of night, typically between midnight and 5 a.m.
  • At this time, it is presumed the bloggers mind is exhausted, so the posts created are incoherent.
  • They are posts that cannot be created during the daytime, because they are either inconsistent with the kinds of posts published on the blog, or are simply too absurd to be created in the light of day.

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Night Blogging – The humor

Night blogging is associated with a fatigued state of mind, so the posts made are, in a word, unintelligent. And that’s where the humor is derived from. Posts made might seem deep at the time of publishing, but in the morning after, seem devoid of sense. So popular is night blogging that it has attracted a huge following. The trend started around 2011, and has caught on, thanks to the abundance of internet users who are still logged on during the night.

Night Blogging and Tumblr

The blogging platform where night blogging has caught on is Tumblr. Since it is designed as a photo blog, Tumblr offers all the tools needed to create the posts. They can be text based, or have pictorial accompaniments, depending on the thoughts the night blogger wants to articulate.

Should You Night Blog?

Well night blogging is really not for everybody. Unless your blog is meant to be comedic, then it’s probably not a good idea to make posts when your better judgment is worn out. You could of course join a community of night bloggers on Tumblr or Reddit, in case you are suddenly feeling philosophical at 2 a.m. in the morning.

The blogging universe has really come of age. With the huge online community that has grown fond of it, you can find practically anything on the blogosphere. Of course, not all of it is meaningful, given just how liberal blogging is, which perhaps explains why night blogging, has emerged as a thing. While it is devoid of seriousness, and in some instances even common sense, it is humorous, and popular.

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