Top 10 Tips for Keyword Research – You Must Know

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Tips for Keyword Research

Tips for Keyword Research

Keyword research is one of the most important steps in promoting your online business successfully. If it is not conducted properly, it will have a negative impact on the promotion of your site and revenue potential of your product. The following tip list will surely help you conduct your keyword research in depth with little effort. Now we discussed Tips for keyword research. Let’s go.

Must Read: Use secondary keywords for more natural SEO

Tips for Keyword Research

  1. Initial Research:

     Initially, you might have a rough idea about what most people are searching for and the search words they enter for your affiliate product. You will surely have an outline, but is necessary that you sit down and work on it to have an exact idea. This will help you plan your keyword research process more efficiently. Using general terms as your keywords will not make your site hit the most relevant search.

  2. Number of Keywords:

     When you have decided to start your keyword research, first off, decide on the number of keywords that you would want to find. When you start your research without having any idea about the number, you will end up with hundreds of keywords after your research and it is eventually a time-taking task to narrow them down to the required number.

  3. Sort The Best or Profitable Ones:

     When you know how many keywords you are looking for, now think about the list of obvious master keywords that you would need. You can always make use of online tools like Google AdWords Keyword that help you generate useful ideas. There are many free online keyword tools that give you right suggestions. These ideas will further help you build the long tail phrases.

  4. Keep Eyes on Competition:

     You should always know the position of your potential competitors in the market. Check the rankings of your competitors. You can eventually figure what and how worked for them and conduct your keyword research accordingly. This will also help you plan and adapt your strategies successfully.

  5. Avoid Competitive Ones Initially:

     One of the common mistakes that many researchers do is trying to target the keywords that are mostly searched by the users. This will confine you to few target keywords that have huge amount of competition. It will eventually hurt the potential of your website also. It is therefore smart to decide on exact phrases that your targeted customers will use.

  6. Social Media:

     To know what people are interested in your product, you can take the help of social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. When you use these sites to search using your keywords, the search results will give you an estimate of traffic that you are likely to get by using specific keyword.

  7. Competitor’s Strategies:

     Just as you should know what your competitors are using, you should also know what they are not using and what is not working for them. Just because something did not work for them, does not mean it cannot work for you. Tools like spyfu and keycompete can really help a lot with this. There is always a chance for you to find a solution for that particular issue for which your competitor could not. This will probably help you find a unique and profitable keyword for your business.

  8. Long Tail keywords:

     Using long tail keyword is one of the easiest ways to find a good keyword. Most people type in a log sentence or phrase in place of one word.  When you use this kind of keywords, they will get you more meaningful and targeted traffic for your site.

  9. Categorize:

     Categorizing your demand could be of a great help for you. When you want to use a specific keyword, study how often people are searching for that keyword. This will also let you consider your competition in the market.

  10. Test, Test and Test:

     Always make sure you test your keywords because you should know whether the keywords are converting or not. For example, you can post something on you website using a certain keyword and then observe how much traffic that particular post is driving to your website. You can use the free tools that will help you determine the increase or decrease in the amount of traffic to your site.

Keyword research is both crucial and very time consuming if you want to promote your site successfully. It is the most essential task that you could do as first step to establish your online business. It is not possible to implement a successful SEO strategy without proper keyword research. Conduct a thorough tips for keyword research to see what wonders it could do to your online business.

Author is a veteran blogger and frequently contribute to topics like social media marketng, seo, internet marketing and much more. You can find more posts by visiting his website.

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