Increase Comments on your Blog Posts

894 views 12:10 pm 0 Comments August 13, 2023
Increase Comments on your Blog Posts

In this post, we discussed Increase Comments on your Blog Posts. Blogging is a very popular and successful profession nowadays. Bloggers create blog content and post them on their blogs. While these blog posts readers are allowed to comment there about the post. Both of positive or negative comment can be given there. The comment it totally depended on the readers.

Readers can write what they feel about the post. They can write a few words or show their talents in writing essays. A blogger has nothing to do if a reader says “bad” about his post. So, a blogger must create posts in such a way that will attract the readers to give comments there.

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Since positive comments are expected always so, bloggers must try to give something special to the readers. If you are a blogger then you can do something to make the readers intended to comment in your blog post. Some tips about it are given below:

  • You can end your post by a question. So that readers will write their answers in the comment section. This can be done because sometimes readers feel confusion about what to write in the comment section. If you ask a question at the last end of your post then it will be easy for them to comment on your blog post.

You should set up the question at the lastend of your post, no other places. If you use the question in the middle point of the blog or at the starting point of the post then readers can forget it. But there is no chance of it if you set the question at the end. Your question must be general type.

  • You can ask the readers for contributing to your blog post. This will force the readers to comment on your blog post. You can ask the readers to comment there for contribution. You must make the readers to feel that also they are also contributing to your post.
  • To get more and more comments in your blog post your must give prompt reply to the comments of the readers. If you do that then the reader must give you thanks for rapid answer via the comment section. This happens because when a blogger give prompt answer to a reader then the reader feels that his comment is a matter. No don’t be late to response. You must replay before the reader feel ignorance.
  • You have to give the answers of the questions asked by the readers.
  • You can reward the insightful comments. This will motivate the readers. You can arrange a reward for one who gives the best comment or for the best answer of a question. This will make the readers to think about your blog post.
  • You can say in your blog post that you will write the next post depending on the best comment of this post. Readers will give comments to make their comments the next topic of your writing.
  • You should set the comment box in such a place which is easily the readers can easily notice it.

After doing all these you can hope to get lot of comments in your blog.

I hope you get  useful knowledge about Increase Comments on your Blog Posts.


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