15 Ways to increase traffic to blog

840 views 12:08 pm 0 Comments August 15, 2023
Ways to increase traffic to blog

In this post, we discussed ways to increase traffic to the blog. Let’s go.

Must Read: How to Boost Up your Blog – Blogging Tips

  1. Write unique articles: If you write some unique articles that will not only increase reader’s interest but also can increase your blog’s rating which will finally result in more traffic.
  2. Always tag images in your posts: Images used in the posts must be properly tagged and should be of proper size.
  3. Write some guest blogs: Write some guest posts for good PR blogs and link those posts to other posts on your blog which will increase the PR of your blog and definitely will drive more traffic for you.
  4. Maintain a blog with a nice layout and design: Design and layout are other factors to make your blog popular and get more traffic. If your blog has a perfect layout with a perfect color combination, it will attract readers.
  5. Keep an eye on static: Always keep your eyes on Google Analytics and statistics. Keep tracking the keywords and posts that get you the maximum traffic and likes by the users.
  6. Reply to emails and comments: Once someone sends you an e-mail regarding your articles or posts a comment, always reply. Replying to a comment will force the visitor to come again to your blog.
  7. Writing list posts may help you: Writing lists help your blog to get more visits as everyone like list posts. The list post is like 5 steps to make a website, 10 ways to increase AdSense revenue, etc. This post is also a list post. List posts have many internal or external links which attract more traffic.
  8. Use best keywords: Select the best keywords for your article using Google Adwords or Word Tracker so that these keywords can pull more traffic.
  9. Submit your blog to various directories and join forums: Promote your blog by submitting it to various directories. Joining forums and answering questions on forums will make your blog popular, leading to more traffic.
  10. Submit your blog to search engines: Submit your blog on various search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. Doing so will help search engines to find your blog easily and you will get more traffic.
  11. Use Yahoo answers
  12. Use FeedBurner and a social bookmark plugin for your blog
  13. Use a unique and smart URL
  14. Do some homework on Search Engine Optimization
  15. Start asking questions to your readers

I hope you have learned the best ways to do this to increase traffic to the blog.


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